U.S. Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Hades Unit

Grandfather Clock Report

Clearance Level: 6

Researcher: Archivist #4

Object Description

The Grandfather Clock is 7 feet tall, 2.25 feet wide, 127 pounds. The internal clock mechanics work but, the time read on the clock does not change from 11:55. According to Scientist 7.B, the hour bell rings accurately to the hour depending on the clock nearest to it. Despite Scientist 7.B and Researcher 19’s attempts to provoke a rumored creature connected to the clock, the object remains inert and has not shown any paranatural characteristics at the time of this report. See The Grandfather Photograph Attachment 1-15 to view object.

Object History

According to Researcher 19, The Grandfather Clock dates back to the 1830s. Tracking ownership of The Grandfather Clock has proven difficult due to the lack of surviving members, but Researcher 19 believes there are a few leads to follow up on. See Researcher 19’s The Grandfather Clock Supplement.

Object Discovery

Agent Thanatos was sent to the Garcia residence due to strange reports of a woman disappearing combined with high levels of Nexus Energy. Upon arrival to the scene, Agent Thanatos confirms Nexus Energy but remarks that the Energy was beginning to dissipate. See Agent Thanatos’s report.

Several journal entries and post-it notes covered the house’s interior. See The Grandfather Clock Photograph Attachments 16-62 for Journal Entries and On Scene Arrival.

Blood splatter marks surround The Grandfather Clock with signs of struggle. No body has been found but there are indications that a non-human was in the house. See The Grandfather Clock Photograph Attachments 63-154 for Crime Scene.

Agent Mnemosyne was sent to the scene to do necessary memory wiping procedures. See Memory Wipe #467.a-aab for further information.

In Conclusion

The Grandfather Clock needs containment until further notice. Agent Apollo and Agent Gabriel will be conducting further research into this object to see if destruction is viable.

End Report.